Aluminum Nitride (AlN) Substrates
Our epi-ready, c-plane AlN substrates have the Al-face Chem-Mechanically Polished (CMP) with a surface roughness better than 0.1nM RMS and the N-face fine lapped or optically polished.
The single crystal, low dislocation AlN substrates are characterized by high UV transparency, high thermal conductivity and high electrical resistivity.
Aluminum Nitride Application
Aluminum Nitride has a wide range of applications, including UV light emitters and detectors, integrated circuits, and solar-blind windows for IR seekers. Aluminum Nitride’s primary advantages are its very high thermal conductivity, very good chemical resistance, high electrical insulation, high abrasion resistance, and structural compatibility with epitaxial growth of III-nitrides.
Single crystal, low dislocation Auminum Nitride (AlN) substrates are ideal for UV LEDs, lasers, Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters, and high power RF transistors. They exhibit an industry leading consistency and uniformity.